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PPE (incl. clothing) is the last line of defence for many hazards. Yet it is not uncommon for workers to ignore its importance. This workplace safety poster helps employers remind workers to be proactive when it comes to PPE. This includes emphasizing the 5 main reasons PPE is ineffective and leads to harm: Not Using PPE Correctly, Using Wrongly Fitted PPE, Using the Wrong PPE for the Task, Using Damaged or Out of Date PPE, and Not Using PPE when it Should be Used.

Finally the poster tells workers to not proceed with any task if the PPE can not protect them.


This is one of four designs for When is PPE NOT PPE?


When is PPE NOT PPE #2

GST Included
  • All posters ordered in Australian Sizes have Australian (UK) Spelling. 
    All posters ordered in US Sizes have US Spelling.

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