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Though a hernia isn't necessarily a life threatening injury, it is a regular cause of injuries requiring up to 6 weeks off work.

One way to help workers avoid this type of injury is to warn them of the possible consequences of risky behaviour, in this case, lifting more than is safe to lift. This is especially relevant with an aging workforce in which older men (and women) overexert to try to look strong in the face of younger workers. But hernia injuries also affect younger workers who overexert to impress coworkers.

The goal of this Health & Safety poster is to highlight the risk and to get everyone working smarter and safer.  

The Risk of Hernia graphic is available for free from the Free Safety Poster Graphics Page.

Hernia Prevention #2

GST Included
  • All posters ordered in Australian Sizes have Australian (UK) Spelling. 
    All posters ordered in US Sizes have US Spelling.

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