Medicinal Cannabis in the Workplace
With the rapid rise in the numbers of workers being prescribed Medicinal Cannabis, workplaces have a duty of care to educate workers and management about the possible risks associated with it, and to consider ways to eliminate or minimise those risks just as they would for any other prescribed medication.
​​Other posters related to this issue:

Health & Safety For Pregnant Workers
This series of Workplace Safety Posters aims at educating women considering pregnancy, and their co-workers of physical and mental health safety issues associated with pregnancy in the workplace.
The series also helps ensure employers protect the legal rights of pregnant workers, especially related to discrimination.
​Other posters in this series:

Keep Your Insides on the Inside
Hernia Prevention
A workplace related intestinal hernia generally happens because workers repeatedly strain when lifting weights that are not comfortable or easy for them to lift. The only effective solution for a hernia is surgery which can result in a long return to work program.
This workplace safety poster is aimed at helping workplaces educate workers about this risk of overexertion, and encourage them to take the appropriate steps to reduce the risk.
​Other posters in this range and related to this issue: